With AARTO FINE Q’s advance program we want to keep you our client always updated on the expiry date of your vehicles licence disk and roadworthy certificate so that you don’t get charged unnecessary penalty fees for any licence disk that has expired.
Do I need to register my vehicle, even if I am not using it on a public road?
Yes, all vehicles need to be registered at the appropriated registering authority by the title holder, whether it’s used on a public road or not.
After I have sold my vehicle, do I need to deregister that vehicle from my name?
Yes, after the sale of your vehicle you need to deregister that vehicle at your local registering authority.
How long can I drive a vehicle with old registration and licence disk after I bought the vehicle?
You have 21 days to reregister the vehicle in your own name after you have bought the vehicle.
When a motor vehicle licence disk has expired, do you have a grace period to renew such licence disk and to use that vehicle on public road?
Yes, you have 21-day grace period after the date that it expired, wherein you then need to renew such vehicle licence disk.
Can anyone renew my vehicles licence disk for me?
Yes, anyone can renew your licence disk, but they need to have acceptable identification of the owner, or if the owner is a body of persons or from the proxy that own that vehicle or a letter of proxy and have a letter from the owner, body of persons or proxy giving you permission to renew the vehicles licence disk.
Are there any penalties for renewing my licence disk after the 21 days grace period?
Yes, there are. These penalties will be calculated by the relevant authority.
Every company or other juristic person must have an accountable person who is ultimately responsible for dealing with licencing of vehicles, as well as traffic fines issues. The consequence of ignoring a summons or an AARTO fine is the immediate imposition of a contempt of court charge and most often, the issue of a warrant of arrest or in the case of AARTO fine the deduction of points from a driver’s licence, which may indeed be executed at a roadblock, provided that the execution thereof complies with the Criminal Procedure Act. AARTOFINEQ has a dedicated proxy team who will take over the responsibility of your traffic fines as well as the licensing and registration of your vehicle, implying that you won’t have to stress about the status of your fleet.
With AARTOFINEQ’ s advance program we can keep you our client always updated on the expiry date of your drivers’ licence and your PDP to ensure that you do not drive with an expired driving licence or PDP.
AARTOFINEQ will come to your company, and give you training on the AARTO act and assist with all questions regarding the National Road Traffic Act. This includes the history of AARTO, the implementation of AARTO and the working of AARTO with all its options and processes. And to make everyone aware of the implications AARTO has for you as the driver of a vehicle and for the company as an Operator.